Who’s Behind That Massive Life Sciences R&D Complex on the San Diego Bay?
Who’s Behind That Massive Life Sciences R&D Complex on the San Diego Bay?

She’s a force of nature in the San Diego commercial real estate industry, and the person overseeing the massive life sciences R&D district under construction on the San Diego Bay. Client and IQHQ President Tracy Murphy. As the San Diego Union-Tribune notes, Murphy’s company “has already raised $2.6 billion to build and run more than 5.5 million square feet of life science space, marking some of the most brazen bets on science-sector corporate behavior in Boston, San Francisco and, of course, here, in the firm’s hometown.”
A self-described “iron maiden,” Murphy is one of only 9 percent of C-suite commercial real estate executives who are female. She works closely with Procopio land use attorney
Justine Nielsen and other firm attorneys on a wide variety of projects, including this one.
Learn more about Murphy’s success and the impressive life sciences project in the San Diego Union-Tribune profile.
Patrick Ross, Senior Manager of Marketing & Communications
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